- Plan well in advance for pregnancy. Consult your doctor before getting pregnant. It is important to control your blood sugars well before getting pregnant.
- Monitor blood sugars on a daily basis.
- Eat healthy
- Take your pills and insulin as directed
- Moderate-intensity exercise for 30 min. at least 5 days a week
- Watch out for low blood sugars. If your blood sugars drop, eat something for quick recovery of your blood sugar like hard candy or glucose pills.
1. http://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/health-topics/Diabetes/gestational-diabetes/Pages/index.aspx
2. Gupta Y, Kalra B, Baruah MP, Singla R, Kalra S. Updated guidelines on
screening for gestational diabetes. Int J Womens Health. 2015 May 19;7:539-50.